BBW Porn Made Me Feel Normal

I was just a scrawny guy who was into women twice his size

Jake Austin
8 min readApr 20, 2021

The first girl I ever slept with warned me about her appearance long before I got a chance to undress her.

We knew each other from a mutual friend but had only ever spoken on the phone.

We made plans to meet and she told me “I’m not, like, hot or anything. I mean, I’m okay, but I have a bit of flub.”

When we were finally face to face, I took in the way she looked. Her striking grey eyes and the adorable gap between her front teeth. A bigger chest than I was used to seeing. And the flub, as she called it.

She carried weight around her stomach more than anywhere else, and I found it extremely attractive.

I fell in love with her and the body she displayed confidently. I couldn’t get enough of how soft it felt. The way her tits and stomach moved when she fucked or walked around half-naked drew my eyes like nothing else could.

She had warned me about her chubby body, but it was one of the things I loved most about her.

That made perfect sense in the little bubble we created where we spent our evenings talking until we made out because we ran out of things to say — and made out until we couldn’t help it anymore and we fucked.



Jake Austin

Wife guy, househusband, all around wanker | Co-Host of Pillow Talk with Emma Austin: